Garda Vetted by Suresitter

Sarah F.

Shannon, Clare
Last seen 2 months ago

About Me

Hi parents, my name is Sarah I am 24 years old I have level 5&6 in childcare as well as first aid and Garda vetted. I’ve been minding kids for 5 years. I worked in a crèche with kids of all ages but the age I minded the most often were 3 years and under. I love seeing life from the child’s perspective and the things they say are usually funny and they’re so innocent.
  • I Have a Drivers License
  • I Have My Own Car

My Experience

Child Minding Qualifications

I have level 5&6 in childcare

First Aid Experience

I need to redo my first aid

Special Needs Experience

In the crèche their were kids with different special needs that I have experience with

Experience with Children Under 2 Years

I used to mind kids in a crèche of all ages but the ages I worked with most were 2 years and under I now mind 3 kids in which one is 2 and his older siblings

I'm Interested In

Childminder Nanny Au Pair Babysitter

My Availability

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