Alannah n.

Clondalkin, Dublin

About Me

Hey my name is Alannah i am 19 years old and I am currently in Ballyfermot Youthreach studying for my QQI L4. Once I finish in Youthreach I will be hopefully going to The Liberties College to study Early Child Hood care. I have a little brother who is 6 that I have been babysitting 3 nights a week for 2 years now. I also have been asked by neighbors to babysit there little ones when there professional babysitters cancelled last minute. I love kids and the reason I want to start babysitting more is because I’m reliable, I’m young enough to understand them and I think I have a good way of making them feel comfortable.

My Experience

Special Needs Experience

I have babysat children with ADHD and mild Autism.

Experience with Children Under 2 Years

I'm Interested In

Childminder Nanny Babysitter

My Availability

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