Linda F.

Rathmines, Dublin

About Me

I'm linda, I'm born in Peru since I had 16 years old I lived in Italy and I moved in Dublin 2 years ago. I don't have any references, the only experience that I have is with my cousin Valentina but we're like sisters, I don't have siblings and she neither, my family in is very small, there are 2 aunts, my cousin and mother the rest if my family are in Peru. When she born I was 17 years I lived with my aunt and Valentina for 4 years and is when I got experience because I learned with her it was beautiful now she's growing up and I can't do her sleep in my arms.

My Experience

Experience with Children Under 2 Years

The babies start to do their first steps and it's very important to be focus to them because the babies are very curious

I'm Interested In

Nanny Babysitter

My Availability

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