mariana e.

Dublin City, Dublin

About Me

About more than two years ago I started to work in Queretaro city council. There, my area was in charge of social program and help people so “TECNOMOVIL” was one of that. The program consisted to provided free computer classes to low-income elementary school children because they hadn’t access to these tools so I was a teacher about 1 year and half. For me it was a wonderful experience because is nothing better that work with kids that you know that in the future, they will be better prepared and they are honest, sincere and with a big heart, sometimes I learned more from them than they did from me. They are very grateful. Eventually I was promoted in my area (administration area) in that time I met Patricio. Patricio is a son of an exco-worker so I made a big connection with these kids and some days when his mother was really busy, I used to care of Patricio. I lived closed so we played, we went for walks and had fun together. He is really special. I have always thought that I’m really good with children because I feel comfortable with little angels. So, if you give me the opportunity to work with your family, we can make a great team.

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