Carolina R.

Dublin City, Dublin
Last seen 5 days ago

About Me

I'm a bubbly person that enjoy discover and learn as much as possible, I'm English student trying always to be better, also I consider myself as confident, responsable and patient, I used to take care of my nephews one of them has a light disability but he is the most adorable baby, I have recommendations letters from my country (Mexico) and also from here

My Experience

Child Minding Qualifications

I used to take care of my nephews one of them has a light disability Also I have more experience in Mexico but at the same I have a recommendation letter from a family here in Ireland

Special Needs Experience

My nephew has encephalopathy which they need special treatment, medicines at specific times and specific exercises

Experience with Children Under 2 Years


I'm Interested In

Nanny Babysitter Au Pair

My Availability

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