Ninu j.

Santry, Dublin
Last seen 3 months ago

About Me

My name is Ninu and I am applying for this role as I strongly believe that I have a service-oriented mindset which is a prominent skill required for this job. I have a hand on experience of caring children.I have a pleasant and friendly trait with the ability to help them feel comfortable and confident that they are receiving the very best care possible, regardless of their condition. Being mother of two children aged 8 and 6 years, I have good experience regarding how to care children and easily understand their needs. I can ensure children’s safety at all times and responded quickly in event of emergency. I love engaging and spending time with children .I could be able to assist in daily preparations and cleanup for meals for the children. Experienced in organizing and leading educational activities, such as story time, outdoor play and art projects. I am a BBA graduate worked as a Sales Assistant in my home country for a few years. Currently I’m pursuing my MBA in project management. As a god believer and a philanthropic person, I ensure my wholehearted service if I got a chance to work. Hope you will consider my application. Thank you.

My Experience

Experience with Children Under 2 Years

I'm Interested In

Babysitter Childminder

My Availability

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

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