Larisa C.

Longwood, Meath
Last seen about 1 month ago

About Me

I’m a 19 year old girl with plenty of babysitting experience. I’m very energetic and extremely creative when it comes to finding new ways to keep your little one’s entertained. While I’m minding them I ensure they have as much off screen time as possible as I believe it’s my responsibility to redirect them towards better ways of having fun. I’m a firm believer in learning being fun so I also try to incorporate some educational activities throughout the day. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me!

My Experience

Experience with Children Under 2 Years

Oldest sibling of three (9 and 12). Which I babysat since little as both my parents worked. I was a nanny for a 5 year old for 3 months. I was a nanny for a 1 and a 3 year old for 5 months.

I'm Interested In

Nanny Babysitter

My Availability

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