Child Minding Qualifications
I was private Spanish teacher to two Chinese boys who they were seven years old. I helped them with creative activities, using all techniques and resources that I know; and I always motivated to them. In addition, I worked as a childcare practitiner in a Spanish kindergarten that the pupils are 0-1, 1-2 and 2-3 years old, preparing creative activities designed to support physical, mental and social development, talk to their parents about their child´s development. I worked as an au pair in Ireland so I was having the opportunity to know Irish culture. After that, I worked as an Edu-carer at Giraffe Childcare that the pupils are 2 years old, doing activities to support all the themes of Aistear. Also, I worked as a childcare practitioner at Mercy Family centre with children who they are 2-3 years old. The last, I am working as a teacher at Ballyowen Meadows Special School with children who has autism spectrum disorder.