Maria L.

Dublin City, Dublin
Last seen about 1 month ago

About Me

Hello! My name is Maria Luíza, I am 26 years old, and I am Brazilian. I have been married for three years and have a deep love for children. I come from a large family with five siblings, and I am the aunt of four beautiful girls and one boy. I have always enjoyed spending time with family, and being with my nieces and nephews is my passion. I came to Ireland with my husband as an exchange student, seeking new horizons. In 2018, I lived in Australia for a year and had many experiences. It would be a pleasure to meet you, your family, and have the opportunity to take care of your children!
  • I Have a Drivers License
  • I Can Drive Your Car

My Experience

Experience with Children Under 2 Years

All of my experience with babies comes from my family, where I had the opportunity to closely follow and take care of four nieces and one nephew. Additionally, I worked for a few months at a children's party venue, taking care of kids of all ages.

I'm Interested In

Babysitter Nanny

My Availability

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