Isabella s.

Stillorgan, Dublin

About Me

Hi! My name is Isabella. I’m from Kerry but am currently a pharmacy student in Trinity. I have been babysitting for friends, neighbors and family since I was 16. I come from a large family of 5 children. I am first aid certified and I have also volunteered with the Red Cross regarding emergency response. I have worked abroad in an orphanage specifically catering for children and adults with severe disabilities.

My Experience

First Aid Experience

I have volunteered with the Red Cross. I am official first aid(OFA) qualified and also am a certified Cardiac First Responder. I also currently study pharmacy and work in a pharmacy. As part of this job, I deal with patients on a daily basis who require first aid advice and assistance.

Special Needs Experience

I worked in an orphanage in Albania that specifically cared for children with severe disabilities. These ranged from mental disabilities to severe loss of limbs/deformation.

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My Availability

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