Amy b.

Borris In Ossory, Laois

About Me

Heya looking to babysit any kids I also have a young boy myself that I can bring along to interact with your kids he’s ages 2 I would love for him to be able to play with other kids and minding other kids so it would be fun for my son and other kids I liked also to get back to getting out and socialising again and bring my son with me I can do weekly basis and weekends if needed I am great with kids as I had experience with other kids before I had my own I wouldn’t mind minding them in there home cause they be much use to there own home.

My Experience

Child Minding Qualifications

I also have child qualifications with other kids before I had my lad with ages between 3-10 and I got feedback of them and do there dinners breakfast and lunch snacks in between .

Experience with Children Under 2 Years

I have experience with my own lad who is 2 now in 3 months I am great patience with my young lad and very playful and loved doing activities with him I also love him to get to experience with other kids his age as there’s not much kids around my area if that’s ok to bring him along.

I'm Interested In

Babysitter Childminder Cleaner / Housekeeper

My Availability

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