cristina V.

Dublin City, Dublin

About Me

Dear Host Family, Thank you for taking the time to read this. 😀 My name is Cristina and I am 23 years old. I am living alone since I was 17 but I spend my holidays with my mother, my 16 year old sister and my father in Galicia, which is a big city in the north of Spain. At the moment, I am in the last throes of my English Philology degree and I will graduate in June. In my spare time, I love to do exercise outside and spend time with my little cousins. I was responsible for entertaining the children and we had lots of fun playing hide and seek, doing face paintings, colouring ins and many more games. I also love reading, especially English novels. One of my favorite authors is Jane Austen and I can’t wait to have access to an English Library to browse through all the literature I like! Experience: I have been working as an Au Pair in a wonderful family in York. The experience was amazing and that is why I would love to repeat it. I am used to being with children and I love playing with them and being active. I do not suffer from problems of missing home and family since one of my hobbies is traveling and I am used to spend long periods of time alone. I would love to become your next Au Pair because I love children and enjoy spending time with them. My calm and patient personality will help me to master more difficult situations for instance when the kids are tired or don’t want to listen.
  • I Have a Drivers License

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