part time childminder needed weeekly hours varieng every week 13-30hrs
Castlebar, Mayo
about 3 years
Job Description
My self and my partner are both nurses and work 13 hr shift work
living in Castlebar
have a 1 year old fun energetic girl called isla
we require someone who is reliable and can guarantee us flexibility with hours we would need 13-30hrs of childminding a week depending on our rotas as we cannot dictate the hours we work unfortunately. therefore we need someone who is flexible to work week days and weekends comfortable with working one or two long days a week 7.30-8.30 and occasionally 3 hours a week from 6pm to 9m whilst we are on opposite day and night shifts.
au pairs welcome also to live with us.
please make contact if this interests you and if you are available to do the hours and times specified
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