Part time childminder needed in Rosslare Strand area
Rosslare, Wexford
over 1 year
Job Description
One 9-month-old baby boy who is very relaxed and super happy baby. Minding would be in our home and without other children present as we both work from home.
Need help with daily routine while we are working. To start it would be two days per week but we would look to increase this closer to when I am looking to go back to work following my maternity leave in December. Job involves all care around our son, feeding, naps, playtime etc. as well as light housework related to his care such as washing his clothes, tidying toys etc.
Experience with caring for young children, FETAC qualification and Garda vetting all preferred.
Must be comfortable with dogs. We have two medium-sized, , well-behaved dogs.
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