Part time baby sitter needed in Hacketstown for 4 month old baby boy
Hacketstown, Carlow
3 months
Job Description
Mathias is a 4 month old baby , in the morning he wakes up and eats his bottle 180 ml and 6 spoons of formula , he might not always eat it all but it’s ok the baby formula milk is good for 2 hours max after 2 hours if he makes up his mind and wants then you make a new one with the baby water machine if you see that he plays with his milk or spits up milk while eating it means that the baby is full DO NOT FORCE HIM TO EAT HIS 180 ML AS HE WILL THROW UP A LOT ! Then he gets his diaper change and clothes if wet After 1 or 2 hours after eating his milk he gets already bought baby food ONLY 3-4 baby spoons then he might go back to sleep please play with him interactional games , like , grabbing toys , help him roll to sides , back and tummy massages and let him see his toys while he sleeps , please do a little bit of sweeping and mopping the floors Thank you ps : Must have a car if does not live in Hacketstown
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