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Available Childminding & Childcare Jobs in Louth

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this job would also suit a male we meet my father who lives in central Drogheda and you can travel to Dublin on the Matthews bus that lea...
€100 per day or the going rate, limited expenses, it could become €200 to 300 per month
Nanny Childminder Babysitter Au Pair
Drogheda, Louth Posted over 1 year ago
Hi!!! We are a Family of 3 and we are in the look out of a helping hand with dorp out and baby sitting (occasionally), our little boy cre...
Cleaner / Housekeeper Babysitter Au Pair
Au Pair needed for bilingual family.
Drogheda, Louth Posted almost 3 years ago
We are a young professional, bilingual family looking for an au pair, to take care of our 1 year old baby boy. We are particularly intere...
Au Pair

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