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Available Childminding & Childcare Jobs in Galway

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Job in Oranmore
Oranmore, Galway Posted about 1 month ago
We are a a family based in Oranmore looking for childcare for our three children from September, Harry is 6 going into senior infants and...
Nanny Childminder Au Pair
Live in au pair required
Clonbern, Galway Posted 12 months ago
To help with childcare for 1 little boy, age 5.5 yrs, 2/3 afternoon/evening a week, plus 2 Sundays per month, 20/25 hrs a week on a flexi...
Negotiable for the right person
Nanny Au Pair
Childminder Nanny 3 days in our home
Gort, Galway Posted about 1 year ago
Looking for nanny to mind one year old when i return to work. Also to mind toddler after preschool and child after school. 3 Days a week...
Au Pair Childminder Nanny
Au Pair or Child Minder
Loughrea, Galway Posted over 1 year ago
I am looking for a childminder and also open to taking in an au pair. I'm a single mother of 3 kids and need someone to mind my 6 month o...
€5 per hour/negotiable
Au Pair
Partime childminder required in Corrandulla area
Corrandulla, Galway Posted about 2 years ago
For four kids aged 5, 4, 3 and 16 months . Job will entail assisting at meal times, playdates , cooking and preparing meals , housewo...
Au Pair Cleaner / Housekeeper Childminder Babysitter

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